Sunday, February 19, 2012

God speaks, if you listen closely!

Mandisa sings the most powerful song about God speaking!

Have you ever heard a love song that
Set your spirit free
Have you ever watched a sunrise and
Felt you could not breathe
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking

Have you ever cried a tear that
You could not explain
Have you ever met a stranger
Who already knew your name
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

Have you ever lost a loved one
Who you thought should still be here
Do you know what it feels like
To be tangled up in fear
What if He's somehow involved
What if He's speaking through it all

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

His ways are higher
His ways are better
Though sometimes strange
What could be stranger
Than God in a manger

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
Who knows how He'll get a hold of you
Get your attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

God is speaking
"I love you"

I have lived in Chester for most of my life! It’s a small town and most everyone knows everyone or has seen them a time or two around Chester! About a year ago, my husband and I started Chester Classifieds on Facebook. A place where people would post things for great prices, you’d only post if you were local! It has been one of the biggest blessings I have ever experienced! I get messages all of the time that sound a lot like “You have no idea how much Chester Classifieds has been a blessing” …or “I would have never been able to do Christmas for my kids without Chester Classifieds” ~ We started Chester Classifieds during a hard time in our life, Joey has been out of work since 2009 because of an injury at work, been through multiple surgeries and it has just been downright financially difficult. So, we were actually selling a lot to make ends meet. But I cannot begin to tell you how much I see God in Chester Classifieds, it’s almost like He has purposed this in our story of hardship.

All of that leads into the most amazing God story, yet. Recently, I received an email from a girl asking if it’d be ok if she listed a yard sale that would be donation only at her house, on Chester classifieds. She went on to tell me about her story and the hardships she had experienced and how God has been speaking to her about a couple that she was really burdened to help – not because they were needy but just because it was something God wanted her to do. In the last year her faith had been greatly tested, she has doubted and became very discouraged. To the point where she wasn’t sure if she could even hear God speaking to her if He wanted to. Her family had recently moved to the area and were looking for a church home, so they went to visit this particular church. They were welcomed by this couple and from that moment on she just felt God leading her towards them. She found out that the couple was in an adoption process and would soon be receiving their biggest blessing yet, a baby! Spending time in prayer over the couple, she felt God was calling her to purchase the couples wish list on their baby registry. After being in a place that was so hard she knew she couldn’t ignore this opportunity to do something for God and listen to His exact words. However, she didn’t want to just go to the store and purchase everything. She wanted to work for it and really do something big for God. She also knew that this was something personal she needed to do and never wanted anyone to know it was her, she wanted to keep herself anonymous so that God would receive all of the glory.

That’s when she contacted me! Keeping in mind that I had never met her before and she had no idea I was even a Christian or how I would accept her telling me this story! However….. Being completely in love with Jesus and an in intimate relationship with Him, I saw this as a direct opportunity to involve myself in this blessing and do whatever I could to help do this for God. One reason is because I do NOT believe in accidents and I believe that when your life is Christ's, He orchestrates everything there is about it! And when God speaks, I don’t say why, I just say how! There was immediate confirmation from Him, there wasn’t ever any doubt or hesitation. It was one of those things that was actually weird because why would I be so confident and trust a complete stranger, these are the types of things we know only GOD could do. After I had already committed to helping her I wanted to learn more about her story and more about the parents to be! So, she sent me the link to their adoption story. This is where my heart started pounding and I knew it was completely God. The couple that popped up on my screen was so familiar! One of those Chester families, faces I see all over Chester. It was confirmation to me again, this wasn’t just something God was speaking to this girl about…He was speaking to me to and He sent her to me!

So, the idea we came up with was to hold a virtual action on Chester Classifieds to raise money to purchase the gifts. People would see our act of kindness and hopefully see God; it wouldn’t be a blessing from 2 but a blessing from over 200. It was announced on Chester Classifieds and a week later the auction was held. So many people donated items, crafts and services! Keep in mind that no one knew the couple and had very little details. They just trusted and acted upon what they felt was right!

The shopping for the couple is taking place this week and they'll be presented to the couple this weekend....I have been in the midst of many God moments over the past few weeks, I feel like at times He is sitting right next to me...I just want to lift my hands and praise Him! He is worthy and deserves ALL of our praise! I'll update again once they've received this blessing, I can imagine they'll be surprised and so thankful!