Monday, September 7, 2009

"Super heroes"

We're driving in the car yesterday and Kaylee asks me, "Mommy, do super heroes fly?" And I quickly responded with "No Kaylee, super heroes are just pretend." I thought to myself, what I had I just done to my little girl who has such a niave, imaginitive mind? Should have I went along with what she has been seeing on tv, movies and books or did I do the right thing by telling her the truth? We have always tried to walk the straight and narrow with Kaylee telling her exactly like it is. But, she is just a little kid, is it ok for her to have an imagination and believe things are real that are not? Such as Santa and the Easter Bunny? So far, we have not taught Kaylee that these things are real. She knows that Mommy and Daddy are "Santa Clause" and Mommy and Daddy are the "Easter Bunny". What'd you think? Feedback would be ever so welcomed!! Wisdom from those with grown children is always so helpful!


  1. Since I don't have any children...i'm not sure how relevant my my opinion will be...but here goes! I think it shines a rare light on your relationship as mother/daughter. It shows her that she can always come to you and you will always tell her the truth, even when it may hurt. I'm not sure who could justly criticize you for that.

  2. Im not going to criticize you on your take on this conversation, but I do think that society in general has started to take away or even just not let imaginations bloom like it used to when we were kids...I guess what i mean is the toys that do everything for them... the books that read themselves etc.... And for me make believe stuff never hurt to have( ie Santa, Easter bunny, heroes) They are only little for such a short time and I just feel that i should let them have that fun and innocence while they can ya know. With that said we also are teaching Liam the real Reason to all those holidays right along side Santa etc... If she doesn't seem to be having issues with it than i would just keep doing what your doing... but eventually she will start seeing what others believe( ie Santa etc) so you might have to prepare for her telling others he isn't real etc...
    Good luck with whatever you guys decide!
