Saturday, November 7, 2009

Camden's precious lil' listeners...

Camden has to have surgery on his little ears, he has had so many ear infections in the past year that the pediatrician referred us to an ear, nose and throat Dr. We saw Dr. Salley this week and he was wonderful! Camden was a champ at the appointment, he just sat there just as still as can be. He had to do a hearing test and Camden did a great job. He is borderline normal with his hearing, which the Dr. expected him to have a little trouble. But he assured us that once he has the surgery that the fluid will drain properly and his hearing test should be excellent! So, keep our family and our little guy in your prayers. Everyone I talk to promises me that their children have had this surgery and it has been just fine, but when you're the Mom and Dad and its your baby's turn its sparks a little anxiety. We know that God is in control and He'll hold him in the palm of His hand all the way through the surgery! Camden should have a great winter with no ear infections, no trips to the Dr. and no more antibiotics! Pray for us!

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