Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kinston Robert is coming to the world!

Today, Joey and I were able to share the wonderful experience with Kaylee of seeing our new baby boy! She was so very excited to see him move around and hear his heart beat. We were so excited to be able to have her join us this time! It was something we'll remember for a long time, something very special! =) We'll keep updating about Kinston! The Dr. said that he was right on track with his growth and the due date ( a great thing because Camden and Kaylee both measured larger then they should have)! The ultrasound tech just kept saying over and over how beautiful he was and how perfect everything about him was. We feel very, very blessed. God is so good to Joey and I and our children. We never want to take for granted one single day of parenthood and want our kids to always know how very much we love them and how much of a blessing they are to us. It is the perfect opportunity to show love to precious little children who are so deserving of everything we can pour out of ourselves into them! We pray that we are everything God has commanded us to be to these babies of ours! =)

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