Monday, September 24, 2012

Family Rules

I absolutely love this. Enough that I thought you should know the expectations of our family. From top to bottom it is everything our family is.  I love it and hope that as we all grow older together, these things stay the focus of our family.  <3 br="br">

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

School Has begun!

Today was our first day of school!  Kaylee is in first grade, Camden is in preschool (4 years old) and Kinston isn't in school yet!  However, he LOVES to work with us and does a great job. They did a great job today.  We all jumped right in the swing of things and the day went very smooth!

We recently redecorated our homeschool spot :) You'll see the newly painted school on the wall, blackboard and the shelving organization!  It makes the kids feel very "at school" while "at home" ~ I like to make it as fun as possible for my little kiddos!

We decorated for fall today, Camden and Kaylee colored the trunk of the tree and then Kaylee enjoyed hanging all of the leaves. We plan to decorate for the seasons and holidays! It will be very fun to decorate for Christmas in a few months! 

Our homeschool week will be Monday through Friday!  Our goal is to be finished by lunch. On Fridays we are planning to have school in the morning and then science in the afternoon! Time for experiments and projects along with field trips!  In October we are going to learn a lot about the election. Seems important, even though they are so young. The next election will occur when Kaylee is in 5th grade! Boy, does that put time into perspective!

Check back often, I'm going to try and do better about blogging!  I didn't make it here during the summer! Seems we were so incredibly busy!

Hope you had a great summer, full of memories and great time with family and friends!  We are looking forward to the holidays!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer has began!

Yesterday, Kaylee finished testing for Kindergarten.  The county doesn't actually require that I test her, but I'm excited to see her progress from her test scores. She was very comfortable with testing and eager to test each day.  We tested for 3 days, 2 sections a day.  She is such a great student and loves to be challenged.  I cannot wait until first grade, I know that she will do so well!

She is very excited that we get a small break from school, however we will spend the summer continuing to read and review! I bought her a few new fish today as a reward and she got to go and have a slumber party with some of her best friends tonight!  Its a great start to the summer!
 Finishing up with testing!
Going to Mrs Christy's house to have a girls night with Peyton and Sydney!! So fun!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to my boys

I realized today, that I didn't blog about Kinstons birthday to I figured I would do that now along with Camden's birthday blog!

My April birthday boy, Kinston turned 2!  I can't believe it, I refuse to leave the baby stage and often cradle him and rock him and treat him as if he was a newborn. He allows me and looks so sweetly into Mommys eyes. I almost melt! reality he is 32 lbs and a growing little boy!  He doesn't look much like the baby anymore but he always will be!

He is so smart! He talks all of the time!  He says lots of words and sings songs. He knows all of his body parts, he can count 1,2,3 and is learning his colors. He eats GREAT! He is my fruit and veggie boy!  He is not picky, one bit like his brother and sister!!

He LOVES Mickey mouse, lightening McQueen and Thomas (or any train for that matter) ~ He learned from his bubba exactly how much to love trains.  He's really funny, he gathers up as many trains as we can in his arms and carries them around the house.  He's learned to be protective of his things, haha! With an older brother and sister, he has to do that!

Camden has talked about his birthday for months....he has waited and waited. He doesn't really think its very fun to be last in the family to have birthday.  But, boy was he excited when it finally came!!  He woke up to a table full of new trains and tracks and was very excited!  We had "angry bird" pancakes for breakfast -- he really loves to play angry birds. 

Another smart boy he is!  He can count to 20, knows all of his colors, shapes and alphabet.  He loves, loves, loves to sing and I love to listen to him. He knows all kinds of songs - but I must say that the songs that are the sweetest are about Jesus. He sings while he plays and it is so adorable, in his sweet little voice!  He loves to play with his legos and build trains or cars.  He also really loves batman, transformers and anything super hero!

He loves to play with the ipad or the iphone!  Two of his most favorite things! (As most anyone knows if they know anything about him!!!)  He can navigate the phone and do most anything he'd like!  He weighs 44 lbs :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 weeks, 4 days

Whew, its been a long road and we haven't quite gotten to the first curve....but I absolutely love that we are on this side of the healing process!  Today, we went to the Dr. and he was fairly pleased with Joey's progress this far...he is only taking pain meds at night and is becoming active again around the house.  Of course, he can't bend, twist or lift but at least he can sit with the kids at the dinner table or walk outside and watch them play!  The biggest answer he was waiting for today was being released to ride in the car and get out to go to church or small trips to the store or to a friends house. That was a big disappointment when the Dr. said no today, it was a bummer for both of us. So, 6 more weeks home bound. We are making the most of it and spending time together as a family could never be a bad thing! We are so thankful that God is healing his body!  The xrays today showed that everything was in place perfectly....take a look!
 Side view of the screws, rods and cage!
They did the x-ray before the staples were removed, so you can still see all of them on this, staples on the front and back. He is now a titanium man! :)

I am so proud of him!  He is my hero, he doesn' t get upset or bitter about all of this....just takes it one day at a time and never changes. I'm so thankful that God gave me him, even in the hardship. I knew when I was 12 that it would be for better or for worse!!!

Kaylee has been very intrigued by this whole thing, for the past few years she wasn't old enough to understand but this time she is very curious and asks lots of questions. She knew today was the day Daddy was going to get his staples out and was excited to look when he got home. This evening she said "Daddy, I bet you wish you never had to wear that back brace, dont you" It was so sweet, her mind is always turning and she just loves her Daddy and wants him to feel better soon! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Photo Book

Click here to view this photo book larger

Photo books are the perfect gift for any occasion.

Kaylee's year in Kindergarten

Our Homeschooling Family

About a week or so ago, I came up with this idea and I knew that I was supposed to be a testimony and encourager to those like me who were unsure of what to do.  But, once you begin praying and committing it to the Lord it is so evident.  I pray that others will watch our video and share it so families can be encouraged too. 

On the first day, the video had 158 views on youtube! Praying that others will watch and share!!

I'm so proud of Kaylee. I'm proud to be a homeschooling family. I'm proud to serve Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

7 days post surgery

7 days post surgery and we have already been able to witness the faithfulness of my God, the one who has brought us through the pain, worry and suffering.  There is no other explanation....He deserves the praise!  We are finally on the other side of this....

This time last week, I was sitting in the hospital room quiet and still, worried and relieved, thankful but still trusting.....I had an overwhelming peace and I honestly feel like Joey did also. I feel like God is real and faithful in our lives and I feel like this is just a time in our lives that He is molding us and using us in a great way.

Some incredible men gathered in my living room the night before surgery and poured their hearts out to our heavenly father, the healer, just for Joey.  It was so amazing to witness (I would have really liked to be in there holding their hands and praying, too but this was man time!) I'm so thankful for all of the godly friends that we have.

This isn't where the evidence of Jesus' hand in this began.  As soon as we found out that Joey was having surgery again - Mom and Dad went to their Bible Fellowship class and told them about us during their prayer time and they immediately responded, I know that they have all been on their knees about us.  The prayer and support, at times was overwhelming. Knowing that Jesus is in control of your life is one thing, but seeing it is a completely different story.  We received gifts, meals, cards and calls -- I'm forever thankful for their class embracing this with us and bring it to God daily asking Him to provide healing and health for Joey.

There have been so many people behind us, our family, our best friends....we couldn't have made it through the waiting period (6 weeks) without so much love from God's people...

We pray that the past few years have just paved a way for us to be able to give glory to God and know that He has a greater purpose for us if we'll just keep holding His hand, we know that He molds us while we are weak and are encouraged to see what the future holds for our family. It hard to look back and evaluate what life has been like, but we are thankful that God values our lives so much that He would take care of us the way He has. 

So, a little about Joeys surgery:
He had a herniated disc, L5 S1 - third time, reoccurring
Severe Nerve pain
Surgery performed: anterior/posterior lower lumbar spinal fusion
5 hours
2 surgeons
8 inch incision in his back
4 inch incision in the front
Bone graft from his iliac crest (hip)

Surgery Day:

 This is a picture of the disc that was removed during surgery.  They completed removed the disc, put in 2 rods, 4 screws a cage and bone graft.  Going into surgery it was our understanding that they would use bone from the "bone bank" - The Dr. changed his mind during surgery and decided to do a bone graft.  It has the probability of fusing better when it is your own, downside is the onset of pain once this is done. 

Arrived at the hospital 5:30 am. Sent into surgery @ 7:30am.  Surgery was over 5.5 hours later, 1:00pm.  By about 3:30 he was finally released to his room a few floors up, I waited for him there and was ever so excited to lay my eyes on him :)  When Joey came out of surgery he had a fever, they were concerned about his hemoglobin, tested him for that immediately. His color was horrible.  I was very worried. Luckily, I have a best friend who is a nurse and another best friends husband who is admin in the hospital.  They quickly reassured me that this type of thing is normal.  A few hours past and it was reassured that everything was ok with his levels. I stayed with him that evening.  He did a lot of sleeping and I did a lot of staring ;)

Post Surgery Day 1:

Today was a lot of sleeping.  Pretty highly medicated on day 2. The kids came to visit on this day though, he was very excited to see them and they were excited to see him too! They brought him some goodies and lots of balloons! There was a lot of pain on this day. I didn't stay the night because I needed to go home and be with the kids. I met all of his night time nurses and he seemed to be in great hands.  The night turned terrible for him,  Joey had a headache develop during the night that was unbearable. No medication was touching it even though he was on very strong pain medication.  We were visited by one of the pastors at church today, also. Edwin was great, he was so cheery and light hearted - we made jokes and laughed and ended the visit with prayer. He got to visit when it looked like Joey had a miracle surgery, he was doing so well....

 The kids came to visit Daddy and were so incredibly sweet. Even Kinston, he was so sensitive and wanted to rub Daddy :) They all took turns sitting beside him, they were so brave!

On "face time" with his friends, he had great "virtual visits" :) 

He was visited by a "therapy dog" today, super cool. They use dogs as a way to lift patients spirits. :)

Post Surgery Day 2:

I headed to the hospital around 6:30 am to be with Joey, he was pitiful.  The day before was bad (with some good moments) but this was so much worse.  He couldn't open his eyes, lift his head, take his medicine.  It was very hard to watch and I was very worried. Immediately started sending out messages and calls requesting prayer.  Angela, she works with our kids at the church came by and prayed with me for him and it was such perfect timing. The headache continued through the day, he had a massive headache for about 14 hours. They never confirmed that it was a spinal fluid leak but I have talked to several people and they said that its exactly what it sounded like.  At around 4:00, the headache went away. I have to say that I believe that this headache that could have very well been caused by a spinal leak was relieved because of so much prayer, I feel that Jesus laid His hands on Joey and took the headache away.  He wasn't able to do any physical therapy on this day and getting out of the day was very minimal, so that was a set back but we prayed hard and there were so many other people praying for him that the next day would be different!

Post Surgery Day 3:

High hopes began this day.  The headache was gone, praise God.  He was told if he could meet a few goals in physical therapy today that he could go home.  We waited for physical therapy, they came once and he was in too much pain.  So they came back about an hour later and Joey was able to get up, walk the hallway and climb a few steps.  He was released to go home!

Throughout the whole hospital stay Joey was inundated with lots of visits and phone calls and even "facetime". We definitely felt the love!  We are so thankful for the people that we have in our lives. We are convinced that on the other side of this it could have been a lot different if people weren't praying.  Our family was praying, our church was praying, our friends were praying, our friends kids were praying...its just an incredible feeling to know that so many people were asking God for healing. I believe that He heard those prayers and I believe that He is causing healing right now even as I type this!

We had a very rough first week, the pain of the incisions healing and the bone graft have been terrible. But, I'm so proud of Joey.  He stayed strong and encouraged and continued to put his best food forward.  I long for the nights when I dont hear the sounds of pain everytime he moves or tries to roll in the bed, when he can get outside and play with the kids and enjoy life. Right now, walking around the house with a walker and bathing by me seems like the worse end of the deal but God is our partner is circumstance and He is leading us straight to healing.  We are clinging to the promises He has made us and are so thankful that He is here with us!

Post Surgery Day 7:

The best day yet.  I was able to catch a glimpse of my hubby again.  Finally feeling relief - looking like his old self again. He even ate lunch at the table with the family. It seems like we are so close to the perfect ending.  The kids have been praying so hard for him at night. Kaylee is so sweet, she brings his walker to him along with anything else he needs. She has been so brave.

 Sitting up and hugging Camden, he is excited to be able to sit up some of the day and feel relief. The nerve pain is gone from his knee down, he is still experiencing some upper leg pain but we know that the nerve heals from the toes up and in due time it should be gone as well! We are praising God for what He has done!

Exactly one week later, I was able to give testimony to "how I made it through waiting" to a complete stranger. She and her husband are waiting an extensive back surgery for him as well.  Anyone that knows anything about me knows that I have a *little* issue with anxiety, always have ever since I was a kid. Ive always worried more than I ever should.  There was an overwhelming sense of peace on "surgery day" I had two of my best friends who came to sit with me and represent the "cabbage patch" along with my Momma and Daddy....a pastor and friend came and prayed at Joey's bed with us before he went back. I'll admit...I had one melt down, walked away and regrouped. But 1 out of 5 hours is amazing. God was my strength and IS my strength. I'm so incredibly grateful to be able to testify that ONLY the strength of God brought me through the waiting period of surgery.

These are some verses that we've held onto during the past few years, I pray you'll keep them tucked in your heart too <3

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19

Doubting that nothing is going to work out is our instinct. But God reminds us repeatedly in His word that he will meet all of our needs, but in His timing.
So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6

 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31

 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”
Proverbs 3:5-6

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”
Ephesians 3:20

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."
Psalm 55:22

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1

"Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:34

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1-2

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life— whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?"
Matthew 6:25

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."
Psalm 46:10-11

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27

“The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.”
Ecclesiastes 7:8

Friday, March 23, 2012

I had to show you this cutie pie {Camden}

{Just an update about Camden}

All you've gotta do is look at him and you just start smiling. This little sweet boy is growing up so fast. He is so amazing, he is Momma's boy for sure. We love to play and cuddle and laugh! However, he sure loves his Daddy too...

He's so smart, he can say his Abc's, count to 20, he loves to color and draw. He loves to look at magazines and books. And I can't forget that he loves the iphone & the ipad! Anyone who knows this kid knows he is GREAT with electronics!

He loves to play with cars and legos. He always uses his imagination and is fighting bad guys and being the super hero, its adorable! He loves to play outside, especially now that its warming up & he loves to ride in the wagon around the neighborhood!

Its hard to imagine that he'll be 4 in just a few months, time sure does fly!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The little diva turned 6

Kaylee turned 6 on March 2. What an absolutely fun week we had! We went to Chuck E Cheese one day, to the movies, out to dinner, sweet frog and had a whole lot more fun in between!

But, Saturday she had her birthday party! She had SO, SO much fun! All of her friends came and she had a "Bakery Party"~ They had an absolute BLAST!

Mommy had a blast planning :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

God speaks, if you listen closely!

Mandisa sings the most powerful song about God speaking!

Have you ever heard a love song that
Set your spirit free
Have you ever watched a sunrise and
Felt you could not breathe
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking

Have you ever cried a tear that
You could not explain
Have you ever met a stranger
Who already knew your name
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

Have you ever lost a loved one
Who you thought should still be here
Do you know what it feels like
To be tangled up in fear
What if He's somehow involved
What if He's speaking through it all

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

His ways are higher
His ways are better
Though sometimes strange
What could be stranger
Than God in a manger

Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
Who knows how He'll get a hold of you
Get your attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us "I love you"

God is speaking
"I love you"

I have lived in Chester for most of my life! It’s a small town and most everyone knows everyone or has seen them a time or two around Chester! About a year ago, my husband and I started Chester Classifieds on Facebook. A place where people would post things for great prices, you’d only post if you were local! It has been one of the biggest blessings I have ever experienced! I get messages all of the time that sound a lot like “You have no idea how much Chester Classifieds has been a blessing” …or “I would have never been able to do Christmas for my kids without Chester Classifieds” ~ We started Chester Classifieds during a hard time in our life, Joey has been out of work since 2009 because of an injury at work, been through multiple surgeries and it has just been downright financially difficult. So, we were actually selling a lot to make ends meet. But I cannot begin to tell you how much I see God in Chester Classifieds, it’s almost like He has purposed this in our story of hardship.

All of that leads into the most amazing God story, yet. Recently, I received an email from a girl asking if it’d be ok if she listed a yard sale that would be donation only at her house, on Chester classifieds. She went on to tell me about her story and the hardships she had experienced and how God has been speaking to her about a couple that she was really burdened to help – not because they were needy but just because it was something God wanted her to do. In the last year her faith had been greatly tested, she has doubted and became very discouraged. To the point where she wasn’t sure if she could even hear God speaking to her if He wanted to. Her family had recently moved to the area and were looking for a church home, so they went to visit this particular church. They were welcomed by this couple and from that moment on she just felt God leading her towards them. She found out that the couple was in an adoption process and would soon be receiving their biggest blessing yet, a baby! Spending time in prayer over the couple, she felt God was calling her to purchase the couples wish list on their baby registry. After being in a place that was so hard she knew she couldn’t ignore this opportunity to do something for God and listen to His exact words. However, she didn’t want to just go to the store and purchase everything. She wanted to work for it and really do something big for God. She also knew that this was something personal she needed to do and never wanted anyone to know it was her, she wanted to keep herself anonymous so that God would receive all of the glory.

That’s when she contacted me! Keeping in mind that I had never met her before and she had no idea I was even a Christian or how I would accept her telling me this story! However….. Being completely in love with Jesus and an in intimate relationship with Him, I saw this as a direct opportunity to involve myself in this blessing and do whatever I could to help do this for God. One reason is because I do NOT believe in accidents and I believe that when your life is Christ's, He orchestrates everything there is about it! And when God speaks, I don’t say why, I just say how! There was immediate confirmation from Him, there wasn’t ever any doubt or hesitation. It was one of those things that was actually weird because why would I be so confident and trust a complete stranger, these are the types of things we know only GOD could do. After I had already committed to helping her I wanted to learn more about her story and more about the parents to be! So, she sent me the link to their adoption story. This is where my heart started pounding and I knew it was completely God. The couple that popped up on my screen was so familiar! One of those Chester families, faces I see all over Chester. It was confirmation to me again, this wasn’t just something God was speaking to this girl about…He was speaking to me to and He sent her to me!

So, the idea we came up with was to hold a virtual action on Chester Classifieds to raise money to purchase the gifts. People would see our act of kindness and hopefully see God; it wouldn’t be a blessing from 2 but a blessing from over 200. It was announced on Chester Classifieds and a week later the auction was held. So many people donated items, crafts and services! Keep in mind that no one knew the couple and had very little details. They just trusted and acted upon what they felt was right!

The shopping for the couple is taking place this week and they'll be presented to the couple this weekend....I have been in the midst of many God moments over the past few weeks, I feel like at times He is sitting right next to me...I just want to lift my hands and praise Him! He is worthy and deserves ALL of our praise! I'll update again once they've received this blessing, I can imagine they'll be surprised and so thankful!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Forever, for always, no matter what

So many times, things shatter around you and if you've got something or someone (or 4 others someones) to hold on to, its so much easier! Our family motto has quickly became "Forever, for always and no matter what" ~ This is around our home in various spots and it reminds us that God has given us each other and no matter what we will stick together like glue and cling to trusting our heavenly father that we are always going to be alright!

So, what better prop that to take one of our signs out to "the country" with us to capture some memories that wont allow us to forget!

Finally, our Reams family of 5 was able to be captured on camera! I have tried for a long time to find the perfect time, the perfect place and the perfect photographer! Well, patience paid off and everything was perfect about our weekend photo shoot! (Ok, except for Kaylee's meeting with the porcupine bush!!)

We went to "the country" to take our pictures, because if you know anything about me - you know thats what I like! Open fields, barns, and the beautiful scenery of "the middle of no where" I'd like to live somewhere just like that one day! (Just keeps me praying, to see pictures of my family there on the wall!)

Thank you SO much Stacey Popovich Photography!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas in Disney

What an absolutely amazing Christmas that the 5 of us will never forget! Christmas Eve, we all went to sleep....VERY early! We set the alarms so that we could sleep a few hours and then hit the road! The kids were wide awake, for hours! I actually think Kaylee didn't fall asleep until we were well into NC and maybe almost out of it! She was very, very excited to get to Florida!

We weren't sure if we would travel all of the way through because it was the kids' first trip! But they did amazing and we made it all the way there! We arrived at Disney Christmas Day. I will admit, seeing Mickey and Minnie at the front gate completely teared my eyes! It was amazing.....and that wasn't even anything to jump about, it was just the big Mickey and Minnie at the front of the entrance for the resorts! lol =)

We hurried in the hotel, showered, cleaned up and hit downtown Disney! We souvenirs within the first few minutes of being there and had a fabulous dinner at Fudruckers! So fun!

The next morning we woke up early, I mean really early! About 6am! The park was opening at 8 and we knew we had to get breakfast and get into the park! We hit Hollywood Studios first! There, we saw lightening McQueen, Mater, Phineas and Ferb, Beauty and the beast and the whole crew along with lots of other fun stuff! Camden and the boys enjoyed the stunt show whereas I would have to say, Kaylee loved the Beauty and the Beast show the best!

The second day was Magic Kingdom day and wow, all I have to say is that it was surely magical! We went through the gates and stayed in the front of the park for hours....we visited with the princesses, daisy duck, snow white and MICKEY and MINNIE!!! Kinston fell in love with Minnie. We have pictures of him kissing her! We were so afraid that he would be scared of all of the characters, but I guess thats the magical part....he loved all of them!

We gave out lots of hugs and recieved many autographs! Magic Kingdom was our favorite place to be! We saw parade after parade and enjoyed the street parties. We saw lots of shows and the kids enjoyed many rides there! Camden loved the Buzz ride the MOST and Kaylee, well I think she was satisfied with hugging Cinderella =) We saw Tinkerbell fly across the sky during fireworks and we all were able to ride many rides together! It was pretty neat that Kinston could ride too.....they weren't roller coasters like I had imagined...but more like train rides with lots of things to look at! We had a little bit of rain this day! Nothing a couple of rain ponchos couldn't help us with! However, we made sure to protect our Mickey ears we had gotten at the beginning of the day (thanks to Uncle Rob, Aunt Tommie and Jarrett for the disney dollars, they were spent with great excitement!!!)

Cute story from this day: When Kaylee met Snow white, she said "Why Hello, Kaylee. So very glad you've came to visit me" Absolutely stunned and adorable Kaylee tell me. "Mommy, Snow white knew my name!!!!!!"

I will never tell her that she had her monogrammed shirt on that day with her name, Kaylee right on the front ;)

The third day, we rode the monorail to Epcot! I think that Camden fell in love with the monorail at first sight. He was so excited to ride it! This was the day Kaylee would eat with the princesses! She had no idea what she was in for but we dressed her up, did her hair and make up and were super excited. I'm not even sure if anything else mattered that was so exciting. The child could not even eat her lunch...she was stuffing it down and telling us she was full so she could clean up and be ready to see them as they came and visited our table! It was her dream come true, just that...a dream come true! The boys enjoyed the Nemo ride along with the imagination ride there!

Cute story: When we entered the dining room to eat lunch with the princesses, they had a studio that you could have your portrait made with Belle. Well, Kaylee entered the room and Belle greeted her. " Well good afternoon, it seems like we have met before" Again, another moment that Kaylee will remember forever....she had certainly met Belle the day before =)

On the fourth day, we spent the entire day at Magic Kingdom. I have to admit I couldn't believe it was over already. It seemed to fly by, although I was completely exhausted!!! We did a lot of the same things we did already just because the kids really enjoyed certain parts of the park. We had silhouettes made of the kids, they're beautiful and hanging in the kitchen!

There are so many other absolutely GRAND details of our trip, pictures definitely tell the story best and all of the many videos that Daddy took! But this gives you just a sneak peak into our trip!

We hope that you had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did =)