Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 weeks, 4 days

Whew, its been a long road and we haven't quite gotten to the first curve....but I absolutely love that we are on this side of the healing process!  Today, we went to the Dr. and he was fairly pleased with Joey's progress this far...he is only taking pain meds at night and is becoming active again around the house.  Of course, he can't bend, twist or lift but at least he can sit with the kids at the dinner table or walk outside and watch them play!  The biggest answer he was waiting for today was being released to ride in the car and get out to go to church or small trips to the store or to a friends house. That was a big disappointment when the Dr. said no today, it was a bummer for both of us. So, 6 more weeks home bound. We are making the most of it and spending time together as a family could never be a bad thing! We are so thankful that God is healing his body!  The xrays today showed that everything was in place perfectly....take a look!
 Side view of the screws, rods and cage!
They did the x-ray before the staples were removed, so you can still see all of them on this, staples on the front and back. He is now a titanium man! :)

I am so proud of him!  He is my hero, he doesn' t get upset or bitter about all of this....just takes it one day at a time and never changes. I'm so thankful that God gave me him, even in the hardship. I knew when I was 12 that it would be for better or for worse!!!

Kaylee has been very intrigued by this whole thing, for the past few years she wasn't old enough to understand but this time she is very curious and asks lots of questions. She knew today was the day Daddy was going to get his staples out and was excited to look when he got home. This evening she said "Daddy, I bet you wish you never had to wear that back brace, dont you" It was so sweet, her mind is always turning and she just loves her Daddy and wants him to feel better soon! 

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