Thursday, April 7, 2011

One of the days we've feared most....wasn't scary at all!

Today came and went just as any other normal day. A day that, as parents, we were a little frightened by....Kindergarten Registration day, April 7th.

When you can't sleep at night, when you can't stop thinking about can't help but seek God and ask "whats your will, Lord" ~ When the peace overcomes your body, when things fall into can't help but seek God and tell Him "Thank you Jesus for showing me your exact will for our lives"

"Train up a child in the way that he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

After much, much prayer and consideration, Joey and I have decided that we are going to keep Kaylee in the home for her education. Joey and I have always given all that we have to our children, sacrificed and made sure that they are our absolute first priority! God blessed us with three beautiful children, but we can't just look at it as a blessing - we have to look at it as God gave us three full time jobs! We are soley responsible for these three little human beings who are absolutely depend! We absolutely do not take this responsibility for granted. We understand that we are purposed in this life to lead, guide, direct and protect our children. We are not choosing to expose our children to what todays society has to offer! We are just not ready to hand our big girl over to the world, we want to do our best to lead her in learning to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. We want her to learn to be a christian girl, shes already asked Jesus to come into oher heart - this past year. She is very interested in her Bible, loves daily devotions and talks about Jesus all of the time. I ask that you would pray for Joey and I, we know that at times it may get difficulty and adversity is out there - but we just pray that Jesus Christ would continue to be our guide us and we would be completely in his will through all of this. We know that Satan will try to attack, but just as Kaylee and Camden so often remind us in their precious song....

"My God is so big, so stron and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do"

Joey and I are so incredibly excited as this opportunity unfolds, we're constantly meeting people and learning about their experience with home schooling! We can't wait to learn together as a family! There is a huge Home School Convention in June that we'll be attending, we've heard that it offers an abundance of information and is so beneficial. Of course, right now we're looking to anyone that can give us advice and we're thankful for excellent Christian leadership at our church that can provide such great information and encouragement!

Promising that they'll be much more blogging where this came from! Sorry its been so, so long!

This is Kaylee's new desk! How fun is it? Joey went to donate at the Rock Thrift store one day and came home with it! So excited, it was priced $35 and they gave it to him for $25. Kaylee thinks its great! She'll be doing a lot of learning here! =)

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