Seem like it has been so long since Kaylee has grown into a "big girl".....things like sleeping in a crib and potty training seem so far in the past that they're almost a blur. Its amazing to look back and think about all about all of the exciting changes that Kaylee has soared through and is now just on the path of growing up!
Now, its the boys turn for all of the big milestones! I was unsure and was never really pressing Camden to potty train because I knew that when he was ready it would happen, I was being smart and listening to all of the advice from my friends that were Moms of boys! Well, we hit that landmark last week and it continued into this week. Camden wasn't doing that well telling us last week, we had to ask him and then he would go ahead and go potty. This week, entire different story! He is telling us as well as taking himself to the potty! Last night he even woke up to tell us that he had to potty! We are diaper free....3 1/2 years of diapers was long enough for him! Also, as most of you know that are reading this....Camden has liked thomas the train "just a little" for about 2 years....well, big changes are coming where his favorite toys are concerned! Just since this whole potty training excitement has been taking place, he has really started liking transformers! He loves watching the 1980 version of the show as well as playing with the toys! Last night, Joey took Kaylee and Camden to chick fila for dinner and he saw a yellow car and started shouting that it was bumblebee because it was a yellow car! haha!
As for Kinston, yesterday we said Goodbye to the crib! It was bittersweet. We've had that crib in our home for the better part of the last six years. Each time, moving someone out of it to move in someone new. Not this time, the crib was disassembled and sent to the attic! We are searching for something really crafty to do with it! We'll keep you posted on the project we decide for the crib! =) Kinston loves the toddler bed, he went to sleep around 8:30pm last night and slept a good 12 hours in his bed! He plays in his room a lot during the day and its very cute to walk by and see him sitting on his bed playing trucks or watching the tv! He is very happy to be out of the crib!
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